Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nightly Life Savers

Though sometimes its tempting to skip my nightly routine and head straight for the warm comfort of my sheets, I know that I will pay for it later. Here are my tips for using the hour before bedtime to pull yourself together so you are ready to wake up and take on the day.

1. Wash your face as soon as you can. 
Don't wait until you right before you go to bed to take care of this very important step. Not only are you more likely to skip it all together if you wait until bedtime, but if you wash your face early, it helps put your body in the mindset that you are going to be getting into bed soon, thus preparing your body to relax earlier in the evening so you can fall asleep easier once the time comes.

2. Clear your mind.
Sometimes I am so worried about things I have to do the next day I can't fall asleep. So years ago, I have gotten into the habit of keeping a post it pad on my nightstand. If I am laying there thinking about things & can't get to sleep, I write them down on the post it. Knowing that I won't forget it tomorrow & that I can continue that thought process later helps me clear my head to catch some zzzs.

3.  Lay out your clothes.
Yes, remember when you were in grade school & your mom had you lay out your outfit for school the night before? There was good reason for that, it is a life saver. You'll save time in the morning plus you will keep yourself from grabbing the wrong shoes, necklace, blouse in a hurry that you regret wearing for the rest of the day.

4. Reflect & Re-motivate
You worked hard all day, so reflect on it before you go to bed and motivate yourself. Name things that make you proud of the work you did that day. Congratulate yourself & reflect on how you can improve each and every day.

5. Keep the agenda/computer/blackberry at bay.
There is a time and a place for checking your e-mail, before bed is not one of them. Grab a book, spend time with your loved ones, watch your favorite tv show...just unplug from work & do something you enjoy. You've earned it after all!